TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“If you don’t have buttermilk, you can ______ regular milk with some lemon juice.” Fill in the blank. A. change B. exchange C. substitute D. substantial 「バターミルクがない場合は普通の牛乳と少しのレモンジュースで代替ができます。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“There is always some risky of losing your money when you invest.” Find the mistake. A. There is B. always some C. risky of D. losing your money 「投資するときは必ずお金を失う危険はあります。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“As we can no longer use that vendor, we are _____ other options.” Fill in the blank. A. implored B. search C. exploring D. sought 「その行商会社はもう使えないので他の可能性を調査しております。」 「調査する」という意味の単語が抜けていますが、形だけで正解が分かります。「We...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“I’m afraid you can’t use this coupon; it has inspired.” Find the mistake. A. afraid B. coupon C. it has D. inspired 「このクーポンは期限が過ぎているのでご利用いただけません。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“You shouldn’t take any major action without ________ the consequences.” Fill in the blank. A. considering B. to consider C. conside D. consisting 「その行為の結果を考えずに大きな行為をとるべきではありません。」 「~せずに」は「without...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“He has offered to find the project in exchange for 10% of the profits. Without his financial help we wouldn’t be able to launch this product.” Find the mistake. A. offered B. find C. exchange D. profits...