TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“I could not _____ my mother to let me buy a new video game console.” Fill in the blank. A. convince B. contract C. adopt D. threat 「新しいゲーム機を買ってくれるように母を納得させることはできなかった。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“The support ticket was closed because the issue was resolve.” Find the mistake. A. support ticket B. was closed C. because the issue D. was resolve 「問題が解決されましたのでテクニカルサポートのチケットを閉めました。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Although implementing a solution will delay the project, we cannot ______ this problem.” Fill in the blank. A. ignore B. notice C. verify D. fix 「解決法を用いるのに時間がかかって遅れがでますが、この問題を___できません。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Candidates that satisfaction these conditions will move on to the next stage of the interview.” Find the mistake. A. Candidates B. satisfaction C. conditions D. on to the next 「この条件を満たす候補者は、次のステージに進みます。」 就職面接に申し込んで、ある条件を満たさないと面接にもいけないまま不採用ということはありますよね。...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Our new product is very effective for just this kind of problem. Allow me to ______.” Fill in the blank. A. advocate B. demonstrate C. recuperate D. amalgamate 「新しい商品はちょうどこのような問題にとても効果的です。実際にやってみましょう。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Since the customer has already paid us for the service, they are obligated to provide it or issue a refund.” Find the mistake. A. Since the customer B. has already paid C. for the service D. they are obligated...