Trivia of the Week: AFK

The Internet can be a useful tool for practicing English (or for English-speakers to practice other languages) but it sometimes has its own jargon. If you are chatting online with an English speaker and they say “AFK” it means they will be “away from...

Trivia of the Week: Adopt a Shelter Dog Month

In America, October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month. Many dogs (and cats) in both America and Japan (as well as other countries) need homes! Some people prefer to buy a dog because they think a shelter dog must have serious problems. However, many shelter dogs are...

Trivia of the Week: Hamstring

A hamstring is one of several tendons that runs up and down in the back of your leg. If it is cut, you won’t be able to move your leg normally or walk. Metaphorically, we say someone is “hamstrung” if something completely prevents them from doing a...

Trivia of the Week: Counting Plants

Most plants are counted normally: one pine tree, three rose bushes, five apples, ten leaves. But some are more interesting: a blade of grass, an ear of corn, a head of lettuce! ほとんどの植物は普通の数え方をします。たとえば、松の木が1本、バラの茂みが3つ、リンゴが5個、葉っぱが10枚。でも、もっと面白いのがありますよ。英語では草は blade of...

Trivia of the Week: Roller Skates

Roller skates are special shoes with wheels. They are more for fun than for transportation. Some types fit over normal shoes and are fastened with keys. You can go skating at a roller skating rink or on a quiet street, but the skating rink is much smoother....

Trivia of the Week: The Dunning-Kruger Effect

Dunning and Kruger did experiments showing that people with a little skill at something have more confidence in their ability than people with more skill. This is because as you learn more about something, you become more aware of the ways in which you could be better...