Trivia of the Week: Frankenstein

The monster often called Frankenstein is actually Frankenstein’s monster. He was created by Dr. Frankenstein. The story of Frankenstein was a ground-breaking science fiction tale written by Mary Shelley, but most of us remember the visual image of Frankenstein’s...

Trivia of the Week: Candy Apples

One traditional Halloween treat is the candy apple. However, it is unusual for trick-or-treaters to get a candy apple these days. There have been rumors that bad people hid sharp things such as razor blades in the apples to hurt children. So most parents only allow...

Trivia of the Week: TPing

On Halloween, we say “trick or treat”. This means that if we don’t get a treat, we will play a trick! One traditional trick is to TP someone’s house or car. “TP” stands for “toilet paper”! Mischievous children throw rolls of toilet paper over the house so that the...

Trivia of the Week: Zombies

Zombies are dead bodies that come back to life. Zombies are different depending on which scary story they appear in. Many zombies move slowly. They can lose arm and legs and not be affected. They chase people to eat their brains. If a zombie bites you, you become a...

Trivia of the Week: Ghost Costume

It’s October, and that means it’s time to think of a Halloween costume! A complicated costume will take a lot of work. But if you forget until the last minute, here is an easy costume you can make. Take a white sheet and cut two eye holes. Drape the sheet over...

Trivia of the Week: Cicadas

Cicadas can be found almost everywhere in the world. In some places, people eat cicadas. In China, their shells are used in medicine. The English word “cicada” comes from Latin for “tree cricket”. Cicadas spend most of their lives underground, and then come out and...