Trivia of the Week: Coffee Table Books

A coffee table is a long low table. A coffee table book is a large, hardcover book with lots of nice color pictures. You leave it on your coffee table. When you have guests, they can look at the book while they are waiting, or talk about the book as an icebreaker....

Trivia of the Week: St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday from Ireland, but it is celebrated in other countries as well. On St. Patrick’s Day, you should wear something green. If school children don’t wear green, their classmates will pinch them! We celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by making...

Trivia of the Week: Wake Up vs. Get Up

Mom: “Wake up, sleepyhead! It’s time for breakfast!” Son: “I am awake!” Mom: “Well then, get up and get dressed!” What is the difference between “wake up” and “get up”? When you wake up, you are no longer asleep. But you may still be lying in bed. When you get up, you...

Trivia of the Week: Leap Year

One year is 365 days long, but the Earth does not take exactly 365 days to go around the sun once. To keep the seasons from slowly shifting into different months, we must add an extra day every four years. The day we add is February 29. Most years, February only has...

Trivia of the Week: Peace Symbol

On this day in 1958, the peace symbol was designed to protest nuclear weapons. The symbol comes from semaphore signals for the letters N and D, standing for “nuclear disarmament”. Other things that have been used to symbolize peace are doves, olive branches, white...

Trivia of the Week: Saint Valentine

Why do we celebrate Valentine’s Day? It is said that a man named Valentinus performed weddings for soldiers, who were not allowed to get married. The Roman Empire arrested him and put him to death. Because he sacrificed his life to help people who were in love,...