Trivia of the Week: I Before E

Here is a poem that can help you remember how to spell certain English words. I before E except after C Or when sounded as A, as in “neighbor” and “weigh” In words like “believe” or “pier” the letter I comes before the letter E. However, there are several exceptions...

Trivia of the Week: New Year’s Resolutions

On January 1, people declare a goal for the new year. This is called a New Year’s resolution. Many people say they will exercise more or learn a new skill. But often they quit after only a month or two. Some people choose a very easy resolution as a joke (like “eat...

Trivia of the Week: Ponytail, Pigtail

A ponytail is a hairstyle where the hair is gathered behind the head. It resembles a horse’s tail, and a pony is a small horse. Another hairstyle is pigtails. It consists of two bunches of hair on either side of the head. It is also named after an animal tail, but it...

Trivia of the Week: Colors

Sometimes the colors we see when we look at things can be influenced by culture. An American picturing a tiger sees orange and black stripes, but the Hanshin Tigers have yellow and black stripes. The sun on the Japanese flag is red, but Americans usually color the sun...

Trivia of the Week: Dinosaurs

The English word “dinosaur” means “terrible lizard” (not dragon). Many dinosaurs have names ending in “-saur” or “lizard”. Dinosaurs have been extinct for a long time. We keep learning more about them by studying fossils. When scientists first discovered evidence of...

Trivia of the Week: Bear and Bull

The bear and the bull are animals used to symbolize the mood of the stock market. When it is a bull market, prices are going up and traders are optimistic. When it is a bear market, prices are falling and few people want to buy, which makes prices fall even further....