Trivia of the Week: Egg-laying Mammals

The echidna and platypus are the only two mammals that lay eggs. They both live in Australia. They are called monotremes. The echidna is also called the spiny anteater. The platypus has webbed feet and its mouth looks like a duck’s beak. That’s why it is sometimes...

Trivia of the Week: Aurora Borealis

Also called the Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis is caused by the solar wind (plasma released from the sun) hit the Earth’s atmosphere. It can only be seen at night because it is not very bright compared to the sun. They have been seen on other planets as well,...

Trivia of the Week: Calico Cats

Calico cats are cats with three colors of fur. The colors are black, orange, and white. Calico cats are almost always female. This is because the genes for black fur and orange fur are both found on the X chromosome, and male cats, like male humans, have only one X...

Trivia of the Week: Otters

There are two types of otters, but in English the distinction is not very strong. They are both otters. Some live in the sea and are called sea otters. Others live in rivers and are called river otters, or just otters. In Japanese, they have entirely different names....

Trivia of the Week: Japanese English: Revenge

In Japanese, sometimes the word “revenge” is used to mean a second attempt after a failure. If a class does a poor job on an assignment at school, the teacher might say the next similar assignment is “revenge”, or a chance to make up for the...