Trivia of the Week: Sinkholes

A sinkhole is a hole that forms when the surface collapses after the rock below is worn away. They can also form when a cave or tunnel collapses. They can form gradually or suddenly and they can be big or small. Some can become huge lakes, and others can suddenly...

Trivia of the Week: Instinct

Animals can do many things by instinct. For example, baby sea turtles crawl into the ocean. Birds can build nests. Some behaviors that seem like instinct also require learning from older animals. Of course, humans also have instincts!  ...

Trivia of the Week: Black Hole

A black hole is very dense. It forms when a massive star dies and collapses. Its gravity is so strong that close to the black hole not even light can escape. In the center of a black hole is a point of infinite density.  ...

Trivia of the Week: Dolphins

Dolphins live in the ocean, but they are mammals. There are many kinds of dolphins, but the most well-known is the Bottlenose Dolphin. Dolphins use sound waves to “see” objects in the water. This is called echolocation.  ...

Trivia of the Week: Gills

How can fish breathe underwater? They have gills instead of lungs. Lungs are organs that extract oxygen from air. Gills do the same with water. The slits on either side of a fish’s head are its gills, but other animals have gills that look different....

Trivia of the Week: Acquired Taste

“Coffee is an acquired taste.”   Children instinctively like sweet foods such as candy, but often don’t like bitter foods such as coffee or grapefruit the first time they try them. As you get used to these foods, you may come to like them, or acquire a taste for...