Word of the Week: Duh

“Bats aren’t bugs. They’re mammals, duh!” “Duh” is a word used to show that something is obvious. It’s usually childish and insulting, although it can sometimes be used affectionately between friends: “Do I look good in...

Word of the Week: Dull

“This knife is getting dull. I think I’ll get a new one.” “I never did well in grade school. Everyone thought I was just a dull kid, but actually the classes were so dull, I never paid attention. When I took more challenging classes I did...

Word of the Week: Bloom

Spring is coming and flowers are starting to bloom. When a bud opens and becomes a flower, it “blooms”. Most often “bloom” is a verb, but occasionally it is a noun, meaning the same as “flower” or “blossom”. What flowers...

Word of the Week: Poisonous

“These mushrooms look very similar, but this one is poisonous and this one is okay to eat.” Something that contains poison is “poisonous”. For example, some mushrooms are poisonous, so it’s dangerous to eat mushrooms you found growing...

Word of the Week: Cooperate

“We can get this done quickly if we all cooperate!” “This assignment teaches the students the value of cooperation.” “Cooperate” means “work together”. Look at the parts of the word. “Co-” means...

Word of the Week: Fib

“I fought a bear during summer break.” “No, you didn’t. You’re fibbing.” A fib is a lie. To fib is to tell a lie. A fib is usually a childish or unimportant kind of lie, rather than a serious lie with grave consequences. 「夏休みに熊と戦ったんだ。」 「やってないよ、うそだろ。」 Fib...