Word of the Week: Crust

The crust is the hard part on the outside of something. Some children don’t like to eat the crust of bread or pizza. The earth also has a crust. We live there!...

Word of the Week: Braid

To make a braid, you need three long things. Usually these are bundles of hair, but other things can be braided too: from ribbons to bread dough. A braid is a simple hairstyle that keeps long hair out of the way and looks pretty, too....

Word of the Week: Braille

Braille is a writing system that lets blind people read. It is made using raised dots that you can feel with your fingers. You might see Braille on signs to help people navigate. Other things are written in Braille too, like books. Japanese and English have different...

Word of the Week: Actually

Aunt: I guess you’re too young to know the Beatles. Niece: Actually, I love the Beatles! “Actually” has a similar meaning to “really” or “in truth”. We often use it to introduce an unexpected fact. It can help correct a wrong assumption. “I don’t suppose you know this...

Word of the Week: Discuss

“I’d like to discuss our plans for our vacation next month.” To discuss something is to talk about it with at least one other person. A discussion is a serious kind of talk, so they often take place at school or work. What school subjects can be taught using class...

Word of the Week: Favor

Bob: Do me a favor. Joe: What is it? Bob: Watch my kids tonight so I can go out to a movie with my wife. A favor is something nice you do for someone. If you have done someone a lot of favors and they haven’t paid you back somehow, you could say they owe you a favor....