Word of the Week: Pedestrian

Brakes: SCREEECH!!! Olive: What happened? Bruce: I almost hit that pedestrian! A pedestrian is a person who is walking. When driving, you should watch for pedestrians. When walking, you can use a pedestrian overpass to cross the road. ブレーキ音:キィ―――――ッ!! オリーブ:何があったの?...

Word of the Week: Opinion

Lucy: Chocolate is the best flavor in the entire world. It’s an undisputable scientific fact! Tammy: No, that’s just your opinion. I like vanilla better. An opinion is a subjective statement. It can be true for one person and false for another person. A fact is true...

Word of the Week: Recently

Bill: Ted and I used to hang out together all the time, but recently he never wants to go anywhere with me. Frank: I know. He’s gotten really busy with work lately. “Recently” or “lately” mean “in the period of time leading up to the present.” The starting point may...

Word of the Week: Squeamish

Jane: You’re so smart, Sally. You should be a doctor or something when you grow up. Sally: Oh, no, I’m too squeamish. I can’t stand the sight of blood. A squeamish person is disturbed by disgusting or painful things. It is normal, but it can be a disadvantage in a...

Word of the Week: Calf

A calf is a baby cow. But it can also be a baby moose, or a baby whale, elephant, or many other animals. Another thing that is called by this name is the big muscle in your lower leg....

Word of the Week: Usual

Bartender: What can I get for you, Bob? Bob: The usual. “Usual” is an adjective that means “ordinary” or “customary”. You can use it to arrange a meeting with a friend at “the usual spot” or order your usual drink at a bar or café where you are a regular customer....