Word of the Week #9: hot air balloon (熱気球)

A hot air balloon is a big balloon with a basket attached at the bottom. People can ride in the basket. It has a burner to heat the air and make the balloon go up. You can also go down by letting out some hot air. The first hot air balloon flight was on June 5, 1783....

Word of the Week #8: twinkle (キラキラする)

“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” is a famous children’s song. Stars in the sky appear to twinkle because we are looking at them through the Earth’s atmosphere. In English, usually only stars twinkle. Other things, like stickers and ribbons, sparkle....

Word of the Week #7: definitely (絶対)

“I will definitely come tomorrow.” We use “definitely” when we are absolutely certain of something. There is no doubt that it is true. It’s 100 percent impossible that we are wrong. 「明日は絶対来る。」...

Word of the Week #6: nurse (a drink)

“He has been nursing that drink all night!” To nurse a drink is to drink it little by little. Someone might nurse a drink when he does not want to drink too much alcohol, or does not want to spend much money on drinks. (It doesn’t have to be an alcoholic drink,...

Word of the Week #5: fault (過失の責任、所為)

“Whose fault was the accident?” “It was his fault!” 「事故は誰のせいだった?」「彼のせいだ!」 We use this word to lay blame on someone (or maybe something) that caused something bad to happen. It is important not to blame everything on others, but also not to blame yourself for...