Bill: So, for Helen’s birthday party, I want to hire a clown, a magician, a pony ride…
Karen: Hang on, Bill, let’s not go overboard. She’s only three. I think that might be too much excitement.

To go overboard is to get carried away and do too much. Literally, if you are overboard you have fallen off a boat into the water. If you fall off a big ship in the ocean, the crew will yell, “Man overboard!” and throw you a life preserver.


「Go overboard」は調子に乗ってやりすぎることです。厳密にいえば、「overboard」は船から海に転落する状態を指します。もしもあなたが大きな船から海に落ちたら、乗組員が「Man overboard!」と叫んで救命具を投げてくれます。