Word of the Week: Explain

“I don’t understand what you meant when you wrote this sentence. Can you explain?” “It’s not what it looks like. I can explain!” When something doesn’t make sense, it needs to be explained. For example, if you don’t know how to solve a problem in math class, you can...


2015 New Year キャンペーン始まりました!

New Year キャンペーン! 2月8日までに新規ご入会で入会金が 無料 になります! この機会に是非、無料体験レッスンをご予約下さい。 尚、予約は混み合いますので早めのご予約をお勧めいたします。 お問合せ、ご予約はこちらからどうぞ!  ...



年末年始お休みのお知らせ 12月21日(日)~1月4日(日)の間はレッスン並びに受付業務はお休みです。 ブログもお休みとさせていただきます。それでは良いお年をお迎え下さい。


Phrase of the Week: Now You Tell Me

“Oh, by the way, the paint on that bench is wet. Don’t sit on it.” “Now you tell me! I just sat down!” We say “now you tell me” (or a variation, such as “now he tells me”) when we receive information just a little too late to be useful. If you warn me that your dog...


TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“To design a good product, you must consider it from the user’s ______.” Fill in the blank. A. prospective B. perspective C. prescriptive D. proscriptive 「いい商品をデザインするには、使う人の視点に立って考えないといけない。」...


Trivia of the Week: Platinum

Platinum is a silver-white metal. It’s very rare and is more valuable than gold, although the price is more volatile than gold. It can be used for jewelry or decoration but it also has uses in technology and medicine....


Idiom of the Week: Up In Smoke

“When the boat sank, their investment went up in smoke.” When something goes up in smoke, it is completely lost, as if it had burned up in a fire. It is especially fitting if it actually was lost in a fire. However, the fire is just a metaphor, so it could be lost in...


Word of the Week: Most

“In this city, most people own cars.” “Most of my family has red hair.” “Most” means “almost all” or “more than half” of a group or category. “In Japan, most people study English at school.” 「この町ではほとんどの人が車を持っている。」 「私の親族のほとんどが赤毛です。」 Most...


