TOEIC Practice Question of the Week
“Please turn in the finished file before the lifeline next week.” Find the mistake. A. turn in B. finished file C. lifeline D. next week 「完成したファイルを来週の締め切りまでに提出してください」...
9/1~10/11のキャンペーン中にご入会いただくと、入会金が無料です! 「やっと涼しくなってきたし、勉強頑張ろうかなぁ」とか「海外旅行の為に今から習っておこうかな」とか「夏休みに旅行で全然英語がわからなかった」などなど、皆さんのお悩み解決のお手伝い致します! 是非この機会に「英会話」の扉を開けてみて下さい!英語って楽しいですよ! 無料体験レッスンのご予約はお早めに!(キャンペーン後半はかなり混み合いますので早目のご予約をお勧めします)...
Trivia of the Week: Achilles’ Heel
In Greek mythology, Achilles’ mother dipped him in a magic river to make him invincible. However, she held him by the heel, so the water did not touch his heel. He was a powerful warrior, but he died when a poison arrow hit him in the heel. Now we use the phrase...
Idiom of the Week: Yak Yak Yak
“Stop your yakking. I’m trying to watch this TV show.” “I wanted to have a nice quiet dinner, but he just kept going yak yak yak.” “I don’t have a clue what he’s yakking on about on the phone.” “Yak yak yak” is the sound of long, annoying speech. It can also be a...
Word of the Week: Available
On a computer: “Error. Insufficient memory available.” At an airport: “Sorry, there are no seats available on that flight.” At a pet shelter: “This adorable dog is available for adoption!” Talking with friends: “I really like June, but she’s not available. She has a...
Picture of the Week: Sunflower
Sunflowers are tall plants grown for decoration or to harvest sunflower seeds. Have you seen a field of sunflowers? Do you like sunflower seeds?...
Phrase of the Week: Run Out
“Pick up some olive oil at the store. We don’t want to run out!” “I was making cookies for the bake sale but I ran out of flour.” “I went to the store to get bananas, but they were all out.” When we use up (or sell) the entire supply of something, we say we run out of...
TOEIC Practice Question of the Week
“Using this information, we can _______ the estimated cost.” Fill in the blank. A. calculate B. calcify C. concatenate D. circumambulate Dは「歩き回る」という意味なので関係ありません。Cは「鎖状につなぐ」なのでこれも違います。Bは「石灰化する」なので使えません。正解は残るAの「計算する」です。 Do more TOEIC practice here!...
Trivia of the Week: A Baker’s Dozen
A dozen means twelve. So if I have a dozen cats, that means I have twelve cats. But if you go to a bakery and buy a dozen muffins, will you get twelve? Well, maybe, but a “baker’s dozen” is actually thirteen. One extra is added in case one of the items is burnt,...
Idiom of the Week: Going Places
“I sold my first story!” “Wow, you’re really starting to go places!” “Going places” means succeeding and getting noticed. If you are an actor, you might go “places” such as Broadway or Hollywood. If you play classical music, the “place” you’ll most want to go might be...