Trivia of the Week: Frankenstein
The monster often called Frankenstein is actually Frankenstein’s monster. He was created by Dr. Frankenstein. The story of Frankenstein was a ground-breaking science fiction tale written by Mary Shelley, but most of us remember the visual image of Frankenstein’s...
Idiom of the Week: They Took Us to the Cleaners
“We had our roof repaired, and they really took us to the cleaners. Roofs are expensive!” Taking someone to the cleaners means charging them too much money. Do cleaners charge more money than other businesses? Maybe this idiom comes from another phrase, “to clean...
Word of the Week: Mummy
“Beware the curse of the mummy!” Mummies appear in Halloween movies as monsters all wrapped in bandages. Mummies were made by the ancient Egyptians. They preserved the dead bodies of important people and wrapped them in cloth. They only come back to life in stories....
Picture of the Week: Candy Corn
Candy corn is often seen around Halloween. The orange color goes well with the holiday. The pieces are shaped like kernels of corn....
Phrase of the Week: He’s had a Fright
Son: I wanna go home! Mom: What happened? Dad: He’s had a bit of a fright. The ghosts in the haunted house were too scary. “Fright” can mean the feeling or experience of being scared. Sometimes Halloween events are too scary for small children! 息子:家に帰りたい! 母:どうしたの?...
TOEIC Practice Question of the Week
We apologize for the ______. The plane is now ready to take off. Fill in the blank. A. delay B. late C. waiting D. slow 「遅延しました事をお詫び申し上げます。当機は離陸の準備が整いました。」 「The」の後にくるのは名詞なので、AとCのどちらかです。Cは名詞として使えますが、この場合は「We apologize for the...
Trivia of the Week: Candy Apples
One traditional Halloween treat is the candy apple. However, it is unusual for trick-or-treaters to get a candy apple these days. There have been rumors that bad people hid sharp things such as razor blades in the apples to hurt children. So most parents only allow...
Idiom of the Week: Fall Like Dominoes
“Get Jenkins to vote yes, and the rest of the council will fall like dominoes.” When the first domino falls, it causes all the other dominoes to fall too. We can compare some events to dominoes when one thing is enough to cause all the other things to happen....
Word of the Week: Hibernate
“In winter, bears and other animals hibernate to conserve energy.” Many types of animals sleep through the winter. This is called hibernation. They build up stores of fat so they can survive the winter without eating. Then they spend all winter sleeping, so they don’t...