Idiom of the Week: Rome wasn’t built in a day
“You’ve only written five pages?” “Rome wasn’t built in a day, you know. These things take time.” Rome is a big, elaborate city. It took a long time to build. Just as it took more than one day to build Rome, it takes time to do a large project well. 「まだ5ページしか書いてないの?」...
Word of the Week: Saunter
“She sauntered down the street, sipping her coffee and looking at the shop windows.” Sauntering is a kind of walking. It is a relaxed, casual walk. Sauntering people are usually happy and calm. 「彼女はコーヒーをすすりながら、道をゆっくり歩いて、お店のショーウィンドウを覗きました。」...
Picture of the Week: Picnic
This is a great place for a picnic. There is a picnic table under a tree. Squirrels live here, but they are not bold enough to steal food. Where is your favorite place for a picnic?...
お盆休みのお知らせ 8月11日~18日の間、レッスン並びに受付業務はお休みとなります。 (北谷校のみ18日(日)にレッスンがございます) ご迷惑をお掛けしますが、宜しくお願い致します。
Phrase of the Week: All But
I told you not to ride so fast. You’ve all but killed that poor horse!” “All but” means “almost” or “very nearly”. It’s used to say you have come just short of doing something, or something that is very close to true. For example, “all but impossible” means something...
TOEIC Practice Question of the Week
Please _______ to the guidelines provided. Fill in the blank. A. follow B. adhere C. adhesive D. stay 「提供されたガイドラインに従ってください。」 「To」がなかったらAの「follow」でいいのですが、「follow to」ではダメです。「Adhere...
Trivia of the Week: Zucchini
The zucchini is a long green vegetable. It looks like a cucumber, but it is actually a kind of squash. Unlike a cucumber, it is not usually eaten raw. Zucchinis can grow very long, but they are picked when they are small and the seeds are still soft....
Idiom of the Week: Kill Time
“What are you doing?” “Nothing, just killing time.” Killing time is spending time doing nothing. We often have some time to kill while waiting for a class or appointment. You can kill time by reading a book, playing a game or talking, or you can really just do...
Word of the Week: Catfish
What do you picture when you hear the word “catfish”? It is a common joke to draw a catfish as a fish with a cat’s head. But it is actually just a regular fish. The name comes from its barbels, which look like a cat’s whiskers....
Picture of the Week: Onyx
Onyx is a kind of stone. It has many bands or stripes. The stripes come in many colors. The name “onyx” comes from the Greek word for “fingernail”. オニキスは石の一種で、縦横にしま模様がたくさん入っています。...