Trivia of the Week: Static Electricity

Have you ever walked on a thick carpet and then gotten a shock when you touched something metal? Static electricity occurs when electrons are rubbed off of one surface onto another. If one of the surfaces is you, you will get a shock when you touch something that is a...


Idiom of the Week: Music to My Ears

Josh: I know it’s late, but would you like to stay for dinner? Betty: That’s music to my ears. I’m starving. When we hear something that makes us happy, we can describe it as “music to our ears”. In this example, Betty liked what Josh said, but it can refer to sounds...


Word of the Week: Favor

Bob: Do me a favor. Joe: What is it? Bob: Watch my kids tonight so I can go out to a movie with my wife. A favor is something nice you do for someone. If you have done someone a lot of favors and they haven’t paid you back somehow, you could say they owe you a favor....


Phrase of the Week: Say “When”!

Dad: Do you want some orange juice? Lizzy: Yes! Dad: OK, say “when”! Lizzy: When! When someone pours you a drink, they might ask you to say “when”. That means they don’t know how much you want to drink, so you should say something when they have poured enough into...


TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

I cannot figure out how to install my printer. Can you give me some assisting? Where is the mistake? A. cannot figure out B. how to install C. Can you give me D. some assisting プリンターをインストールする方法がどうしてもわからない。助けてくれませんか? 「Figure...


Trivia of the Week: Mikans

“Mikan” is often translated as “orange,” but they are different from the fruit you will get if you ask for an orange. There are many kinds of mikans and many kinds or oranges, but the mikans belong to a group of fruits called “mandarin oranges”. In general, oranges...


Idiom of the Week: Whatchamacallit

John: Martha, how do I fix the whatchamacallit on the computer? The internet thingie? Martha: You mean the router? Just unplug it and plug it back in. “Whatchamacallit” is a word we can use when we don’t remember the proper name of something. If a person knows what...


Word of the Week: Dive

“Dive” usually means “to jump in”. If you go to a big pool, you can dive off the diving board. But if you go diving, it means you use an oxygen tank and swim deep in the ocean. 「Dive」は通常「飛び込む」という意味です。大きなプールに行けば、飛び込み台から飛び込めます。でも「go...


