Word of the Week: Nosey
“So I heard you and Jane had a big fight at the party last week. What happened?” “Oh, don’t be so nosey. I know you just want to gossip with your friends about our problems.” Someone who is nosey takes too much interest in other people’s affairs. Such people are...
Picture of the Week: Grain Elevator
A Vanishing Symbol of the Prairies of Canada This is a grain elevator. For many years farmers brought their grain, usually wheat, to the grain elevator after the harvest. From grain elevators across the prairies freight trains would collect the grain and carry it to...
Phrase of the Week: Fire Away!
Reporter: Can I ask you a few questions for my article? Rock star: Fire away! "Fire" as a verb can mean to shoot a bullet or other projectile weapon. You can see this usage in "Hold your fire" (meaning "don't shoot") as well. But in this example, inviting someone to...
TOEIC Practice Question of the Week
I will tell you if Mr. Johnson call the office. Find the mistake! A. will tell B. you if C. Mr. Johnson D. call the 「ジョンソン氏が事務所に電話したら教えます。」 Mr. Johnsonは複数ではなくて一人の人間ですので、「call」は「calls」にならなければなりません。よって、正解はDです! Do more TOEIC practice here!...
Trivia of the Week: Night Falls, Dawn Breaks
If night falls, why is it dawn that breaks? This is a play on words. When night starts, we say that it "falls". When dawn starts, we say that it "breaks" over the horizon. If a teacup falls off a table, it will break. But night does not break, although it falls. And...
Idiom of the Week: Play it by Ear
Kate: You’re visiting Kyoto? What are you planning to see? Ellen: I’m just going to play it by ear. I like to be spontaneous. Usually musicians learn songs by reading the music off paper. But if you don’t know a song, sometimes you can play it anyway just by listening...
Word of the Week: Handy
“Handy” can mean “convenient”. If I need to write down a memo to remember something, I will use whatever pen is handy. It can also mean “good at fixing things”. If a person is handy, he or she can repair things around the house, such as changing a light bulb or fixing...
Picture of the Week: Roller Coaster
In Orlando, Florida, there are many theme parks. They offer attractions such as shows, games, and zoo exhibits. Perhaps the most exciting part of a theme park is the rides! Roller coasters accelerate in different directions and sometimes even loop upside-down. Do you...
Phrase of the Week: I Get the Picture
“Bob, we need to talk. You’ve been late to the last three games.” “I told you, my wife had a migraine.” “I know. But also, your performance has really been suffering ever since you changed jobs. This just isn’t working out anymore.” “Okay, I get the picture. You’re...
毎日ほんとうに暑いですね。 こう暑い日が続くと、何をするにもダラダラしがち。。。 そんな毎日を英会話でシャキッとさせませんか?! この夏、モダンイングリッシュではブログ、Facebook, Twitterをご覧の皆様を対象にお得な夏のキャンペーンを行ってます。 ウェブレッスン 日本在住ネイティブ講師 4回レッスン(50分レッスン) 通常¥13,240 → 特別価格¥9,450 フィリピン在住講師 4回レッスン(25分レッスン) 通常¥2,800 → 特別価格¥1,600 TOEICオンラインレッスン...