Word of the Week: Burdock
Burdock is a vegetable you can buy in any Japanese supermarket. But you will have a difficult time finding it in the U.S. In America, it grows wild in some places, but it is considered a weed and not a food. The word “burdock” sounds a little bit like “bulldog”. Do...
Phrase of the Week: Let’s Wrap it Up
“We’re just about finished over here!” “Alright, that’s the last of it. Let’s wrap it up!” “Wrap it up” means “finish”. We often wrap up a project. A story can also be wrapped up by an author. Maybe the phrase refers to wrapping up a gift after it is completed, or...
キッズサマーレッスン 開催!!
今年も香里園本校でキッズサマーレッスンを開催します! 7月27日、8月3日、10日(金)の3日間! 時間 10:00~と11:30~の1日2回(各60分) 場所 香里園本校 料金 1レッスン 1,350円 1クラス定員 8名(2名以上で開催) 対象年齢 幼稚園~小学6年生まで 担当講師 フェルナンド先生(子供に大人気のアメリカ人の先生です) ★生徒さん以外のお子様も参加できます。 レッスン内容は… 7/27 サンドイッチショッピング 8/3 アイスクリーム作り 8/10 ポップコーン作り、英語DVD鑑賞...
TOEIC Practice Question of the Week
I always drink my coffee black; I add sugar never. Where is the mistake? A. always B. drink C. black D. never 私はコーヒーをいつもブラックで飲む;砂糖は決して入れない。 「Always」や「never」は動詞の前にくる単語です。「Sometimes」は最後にくることもありますが、いまどき「never」が最後にくるのは詩の中くらいです。よって、Dの「never」の位置が間違っているから、正解はDです。 Do more...
Trivia of the Week: French fries vs chips
Long thin strips of potato that are fried are called “French fries” in American, but “chips” in England. French fries can be called “fries” for short. Once when the U.S. was angry with France, people tried to change the name to “freedom fries”. If fries are called...
Idiom of the Week: From the Word Go
Billy: It’s raining again! And a mosquito bit me! I hate Florida! Jane: Why do they call this place “The Sunshine State”? This vacation has been a disaster from the word go. To start a race, you say “Ready…set…go!” The runners all take off on the word “go”. It is the...
Word of the Week: Barn
A barn is a building on a farm used to house animals or supplies. Horses, cows, or pigs might live in a barn. Supplies such as hay (dry grass) might be kept in a barn. Farm cats often live in the barn and hunt mice. They are called “barn cats”. A tractor might be left...
Picture of the Week: Palm Trees
What do you need for a tropical vacation? All you really need is a beach with palm trees. In the U.S., Florida and Hawaii are good places for a tropical get-away. Palm trees can be found all over Florida, but the best scenery is in the south. ヤシの木...
Phrase of the Week: Dead End
“I was sure this was the right road, but I don’t see the Johnsons’ house.” “Maybe it’s further down.” “No, it’s a dead end. We’ll have to turn around.” A dead end is a road that stops. You cannot go straight, you cannot turn right, and you cannot turn left. You have...