Phrase: Spark a debate

“The accident sparked a debate about the current safety measures.” A spark can start a fire. (Perhaps you’ve seen someone start a fire by striking two pieces of flint together to make a spark.) In this phrase, something starts not a fire but a debate. We talk about...


Iguana, kangaroo, jellyfish! Learn phonics sounds with the Phonanimals! イグアナ、カンガルー、クラゲ!フォナニマルと一緒にフォニックスの音を覚えましょう!

Classroom Tip This song from Happy Valley Phonics Book 1, Unit 4, introduces vocabulary that begin with the i, j, and k sounds. Use gestures for the words and do them as you sing along. Put the flashcards on the ground and ask What does Iggy want? Have students say or...


Idiom of the Week: A Bun in the Oven

“She has a bun in the oven.” This sentence means that she’s pregnant! The bun is not actually a small piece of bread, but a baby. The oven is the mother’s belly. This phrase first appeared around the 1950s. 「She has a bun in the oven. (直訳すると:オーブンにパンがあります。)」...


New app: Happy Valley Words! 無料子供向け英語学習アプリをApp Storeにて発表いたしました

New app: Happy Valley Words! 無料子供向け英語学習アプリをApp Storeにて発表いたしました Japanese below – (日本語訳は下記にございます) Modern English is delighted to announce the launch of its first app on the App Store. Happy Valley Words is a fun, engaging game that teaches basic English vocabulary words...


Idiom of the Week: In My Book

“80%? That’s a pretty good grade in my book.” “He saved that dog. That makes him a hero in my book.” “In my book” means “in my opinion”. Imagine you wrote down everything you believed in a book. The book would explain all your opinions and judgments....


入会金無料! New Year キャンペーン実施中!

1月6日~2月10日までNew Yearキャンペーン実施中です! 入会金 通常大人・高校生10,000円、中学生・キッズ8,000円ですがキャンペーン中にご入会の方は無料となります! 2017年、この機会に英会話をはじめてみませんか? 少人数制なのでキャンペーン中の無料体験レッスンは混み合います。お早めのご予約を勧めいたします。 表示価格は税別価格です。...


Phrase of the Week: Crop Up

“I had my vacation planned out, but some problems cropped up at the last minute.” To “crop up” is to appear without warning. This phrase is often used with problems or difficulties, but other things can crop up, too: “Protests against environmentally unfriendly policy...



2016年12月23日(金)~2017年1月5日(木)の間は、レッスン並びに受付業務はお休みとなっております。 レッスンのご予約・ご変更は1月6日以降にご連絡ください。...


Trivia of the Week: Gingerbread Men

A gingerbread man is a cookie made of gingerbread in the shape of a person. For Christmas, you can also use other shapes such as Christmas trees and bells. The gingerbread man’s face can be carved simply, or made with candy or frosting. Gingerbread men usually have...


