TOEIC Practice Question of the Week
“Not many customers will participate in the survey if it is too _________.” Fill in the blank. A. entertaining B. time-consuming C. brief D. rewarding 「あまり時間がかかるとアンケートを書いてくれるお客さんは少ないです。」...
夏季休暇について 8月5日(金)~8月18日(木)の間は、レッスン並びに受付業務はお休みとなっております。 レッスンのご予約・ご変更は19日以降にご連絡ください。 無料体験レッスンのご予約や新規お問合せはこちらの問い合わせフォームからご連絡ください。...
Trivia of the Week: Instinct
Animals can do many things by instinct. For example, baby sea turtles crawl into the ocean. Birds can build nests. Some behaviors that seem like instinct also require learning from older animals. Of course, humans also have instincts! ...
Idiom of the Week: Cat Got Your Tongue
“What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?” If someone can’t speak (perhaps because they are nervous or afraid) we say the cat has got their tongue. This idiom probably appears most often as a question. If someone is not speaking, you can ask this to jokingly ask...
Word of the Week: Hop
“The rabbit hopped across the grass.” A hop is a small jump. Rabbits don’t walk very much; they hop instead. Other things that are known for hopping include frogs and children! 「ウサギがぴょんぴょんと草の上を跳びはねました。」...
Picture of the Week: Pearl
Do you know how pearls are formed? Very rarely, they form inside an oyster or other mollusk, when a very small object gets inside its shell. The pearl builds up around the object....
Phrase of the Week: I Can’t Help It
“Stop shivering.” “I can’t help it. I’m cold!” We use this phrase when we have no choice. It’s impossible not to do something. Here are some more variations: “He couldn’t help but smile when his daughter showed him the picture she’d drawn.” “When I hear this song, I...
TOEIC Practice Question of the Week
“After the accident, more safety regulations were added to prevent it from occurring.” Find the mistake. A. accident B. were added C. prevent D. occurring...
Flower Chant! Learn some common and useful words. フラワーチャントで役に立つ日常的な単語を覚えましょう!
Classroom Tip This chant from Happy Valley 1, Unit 2, isolates the main vocabulary from this unit. These pictures are often seen throughout the book, so knowing these objects will allow them to do picture talk (discuss what they see in the picture before listening to...
Trivia of the Week: Black Hole
A black hole is very dense. It forms when a massive star dies and collapses. Its gravity is so strong that close to the black hole not even light can escape. In the center of a black hole is a point of infinite density. ...