Phrase of the Week: This Won’t Do

“Oh dear, your clothes are all dirty. This won’t do. Come get changed before the party.” “This won’t do. The milk has expired. I can’t cook with this.” When something has gone wrong or isn’t good enough, we say it “won’t do”. 「あら、服が汚れてしまっている。これではダメね。パーティーの前に着替えましょう。」...


TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

"In this race, athletes from all around the country will compare to find out who is the fastest." Find the mistake. A. athletes B. all around C. compare D. find out 「このレースで国中のアスリートが競い合って誰が一番早いかがわかります。」...


Black, White, Brown, Red. Learn all the colors! くろ、しろ、ちゃいろ、あか。色を全部覚えましょう!

Colors are fun and easy-to-use words, and this catchy song will help you learn and practice them. See all the colors here.   色は楽しくて使いやすい言葉です。一度聴いたら頭から離れないこの歌で学び練習しましょう!ここで全ての色がみれます。   Classroom Tip The final song in our colors series, learning colors with...


Trivia of the Week: Snails

Snails are small slimy animals with hard curly shells. If it doesn’t have a shell, it is a slug. Snails can be found in a wide variety of places, including desserts and deep in the ocean. Some kinds have both lungs (to breathe air) and gills (to breathe water).  ...


Idiom of the Week: Take Someone for a Ride

“But the salesman told me this was the latest model!” “Sounds like he took you for a ride.” “I trusted my friend to invest my money, but he took me for a ride.” To take someone for a ride is to cheat them, usually for money or some other benefit. 「店員が最新型だと言ったのに!」...


Word of the Week: Doze

“The dog was dozing under the table, but he got up when he heard the door open.” “I dozed off during the movie and missed the end.” Dozing is a light or short sleep. It is usually a verb, but it can be a noun, too: “I’ll have a doze.”...


Phrase of the Week: At Stake

“You can’t give up. Lives are at stake here!” “She must be very nervous. The outcome of the game is at stake!”   What is at stake, or the stakes, are what will be decided by the outcome of an event. If the stakes are high, the match, battle or other event is...



ゴールデンウイークのお休みについて 4月29日~5月12日の間は、レッスン並びに受付業務はお休みとなっております。 レッスンのご予約・ご変更は13日以降にご連絡ください。 無料体験レッスンのご予約や新規お問合せはこちらの問い合わせフォームからご連絡ください。...


