TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

"If you don't have buttermilk, you can ______ regular milk with some lemon juice." Fill in the blank. A. change B. exchange C. substitute D. substantial 「バターミルクがない場合は普通の牛乳と少しのレモンジュースで代替ができます。」...


Idiom of the Week: Tailor-Made

"This movie is a fantasy about an elementary school teacher and a talking mongoose. It's like it was tailor-made for me!" "This car isn't tough, but it's tailor-made for speed." When clothing is tailor-made for someone, the tailor sews it to fit their body exactly. We...


Word of the Week: Spoiled

"He's really spoiled. His parents give him whatever he wants." "Her parents really spoiled her, and then when she went to college she was upset that the teachers actually made her work." You spoil someone, usually a child or a pet, when you give them everything they...


Phrase of the Week: I hate to tell you

"I hate to tell you this, but we're out of gas." "I hate to tell you" is a phrase we can use to prepare someone for bad news. It's not pleasant to give someone bad news, so this set phrase assumes the speaker doesn't enjoy doing it. 「大変申し上げにくいのですが、ガソリンが切れたみたいです。」 「I...


Yes! No! Practice these basic answers with Happy Valley’s Kinka and Pinka! イエス!ノー!ハッピーバレーのキンカとピンカと一緒に基本の返事を練習しましょう!

In this week's video we use a song to practice the most basic words for answering questions, yes and no. 今週の動画では歌を使って一番簡単な返事の言葉、イエスとノーの練習をします。 Classroom Tip The Yes, No Song is great for working on answering Yes/No Questions. Use it with Unit 8 of Happy Valley 1....


