Idiom of the Week: Lead With

"If you want to collect all the hearts, you should lead with a high-numbered heart." "When making a speech, you should lead with a joke." "Lead with" comes from card games, where the first person to play a card must decide which card to play first, or lead with. We...


Word of the Week: Otherwise

"You have to clean your room. Otherwise, you won't be able to find anything." "You had better mow the lawn. Otherwise you won't get your allowance this week." "If the book is ripped, written on, or otherwise damaged, you'll have to pay for it." "Otherwise" is commonly...


Picture of the Week: Monkeys

2016 is the Year of the Monkey! What is your Chinese zodiac? Do you believe it has any effect on your personality? 2016年は申年です!あなたの干支は何ですか?干支が性格に影響すると思いますか?


Phrase of the Week: On the Whole

"The lines were long, but the kids loved the theme park. On the whole we had a great time." "There were a few awkward sentences but on the whole the book is very well written." "On the whole" is used to make a generalization about something. When you look at just the...


TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

"As we can no longer use that vendor, we are _____ other options." Fill in the blank. A. implored B. search C. exploring D. sought 「その行商会社はもう使えないので他の可能性を調査しております。」 「調査する」という意味の単語が抜けていますが、形だけで正解が分かります。「We...


Trivia of the Week: Ape

This year is the Year of the Monkey. When you imagine a monkey, do you picture a chimpanzee? Chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and others are actually apes, not monkeys. Apes are larger and never have tails....


Idiom of the Week: A Word to the Wise

"A word to the wise, my friend: come back next week and these will be on sale." A "word to the wise" is a piece of advice or useful information. The speaker is saying that if you're smart, you will act on this information. 「賢い人に一言教えてやろう。来週また来ればこれがセールになってるよ。」 Word to...


Word of the Week: Flexible

"We don't know what time he'll get here, so we have to be flexible with our schedule." Something that is flexible can bend. If you are open to making changes in something, you are being flexible. If a plant is not flexible, it could break rather than bend in a strong...


入会金無料!New Year キャンペーン実施中!

1月7日~2月14日までNew Yearキャンペーン実施中です! 入会金 通常大人・高校生10,000円、中学生・キッズ8,000円ですがキャンペーン中にご入会の方は無料となります! 2016年、この機会に英会話をはじめてみませんか? 少人数制なのでキャンペーン中の無料体験レッスンは混み合います。お早めのご予約を勧めいたします。 表示価格は税別価格です。...


