Phrase of the Week: I Changed My Mind
"I thought you weren't coming to this party." "I wasn't, but I changed my mind." "At first Dad didn't want to get a dog, but now he's changed his mind." When your opinion changes or you change a decision you made, we say you change your mind. You can also change...
TOEIC Practice Question of the Week
“I’m afraid you can’t use this coupon; it has inspired.” Find the mistake. A. afraid B. coupon C. it has D. inspired 「このクーポンは期限が過ぎているのでご利用いただけません。」...
Trivia of the Week: Snow Angel
To make a snow angel, lie down in the snow with your arms and legs stretched out. Then move your arms up and down and your legs side to side, pushing the snow out of the way. The shapes your arms leave in the snow are the snow angel’s wings, and your legs create the...
年末年始お休みのお知らせ 12月23日(水)~1月6日(水)の間はレッスン並びに受付業務はお休みです。 ブログもお休みとさせていただきます。それでは良いお年をお迎え下さい。
Word of the Week: Improvise
"I got up on stage and realized I'd brought my science notes instead of my speech. I had to improvise a new speech on the spot!" To improvise is to make do without any preparations. When we haven't prepared, weren't able to prepare, or the situation has changed and...
Picture of the Week: Snowball
The dog won't be able to fetch this ball—it's a snowball! Have you ever had a snowball fight? 犬はこのボールで「とってこい」はできないでしょう。雪玉ですから!あなたは雪合戦をしたことはありますか?
Phrase of the Week: Make Sure
"Can you make sure the dog's water dish is full before you go to bed?" "Make sure you write your name on your homework, or I won't know whose it is!" To make sure of something is to check that it is done. To make sure you do something is to do it yourself, without...
TOEIC Practice Question of the Week
"You shouldn't take any major action without ________ the consequences." Fill in the blank. A. considering B. to consider C. conside D. consisting 「その行為の結果を考えずに大きな行為をとるべきではありません。」 「~せずに」は「without...
Trivia of the Week: Plenty of Fish in the Sea
"I know it's upsetting when you break up with your girlfriend, but don't worry too much. There are plenty of fish in the sea." We say that there are plenty of fish in the sea to remind people that there are a lot of people in the world. There are so many people that...
Idiom of the Week: Sing For My Supper
"Can you finish mowing the lawn before lunch, please?" "I guess I have to sing for my supper." Those who don't work shouldn't eat! In this idiom the work is singing. 「昼ご飯の前に庭の草刈りをしてくれる?」 「ごはんは歌って稼がないとね」...