Word of the Week: Leftovers

"We cooked so much food for Thanksgiving, we've been eating leftovers ever since." When food is left over from a meal, you can eat it later as "leftovers". Although most things are better freshly made, there are many foods that are equally delicious when reheated....


Phrase of the Week: You’ve Got It Bad

"She wants a puppy really badly." "She says she doesn't care about him, but I can tell she's got it bad." Sometimes "bad" can be used as an intensifier for something that isn't necessarily bad. An intense desire can feel uncomfortable, and love is often compared to a...


Is it a frog? Ask and answer about animals and insects! カエルかな?動物や昆虫について質問して答えましょう!

In this week's video, let's look at some animals and insects your child might see when you visit the pond! Then we can use them to practice asking and answering some yes-or-no questions. 今週の動画で池に行けば会えるかもしれない動物や昆虫を見てみましょう! Yes またはNo で答える質問の練習に使えますよ。 Classroom Tip...


Trivia of the Week: Inflatable Castle

Inflatable castles have many names, but the one that describes them best may be "closed inflatable trampolines". They are inflatable like balloons, but they are shaped like a small house or tent and function as trampolines. They are a lot of fun for kids and might be...


Idiom of the Week: Yadda yadda yadda

"It's her tenth birthday, so we're going all out, cake, balloons, clowns, a bouncy house, yadda yadda yadda." "The teacher said we have to include our sources and proof read and use correct punctuation and yadda yadda yadda." "Yadda yadda yadda" can be used as a...


Word of the Week: Treat

"Who's a good dog? You get a treat!" "I took the kids out for ice cream as a treat." "I treated my friend to pizza on his birthday." As a noun, a treat often means a sweet food, but it can mean any special food or experience, sometimes given as a reward. As a verb, it...


Picture of the Week: Mouse

The well-known Christmas poem "The Night Before Christmas" starts out with these lines: 'Twas the night before Christmas And all through the house Not a creature was stirring Not even a mouse. 有名なクリスマスの詩「クリスマスの前の晩」は、こう始まります。 クリスマスの前の晩 ひっそりと静まりかえった家の中は なにひとつ動きません...


Phrase of the Week: A Matter of Course

"It may come as a surprise American exchange students, but in Japan, students clean their own classrooms as a matter of course." A matter of course is something that is routine and unremarkable, to be expected. 「アメリカの留学生は驚くかもしれませんが、日本では生徒が当たり前のように自分の教室を掃除します。」 「A...


