July10picThis week’s video is a chant featuring the phrase “It’s a”. This phrase is very common in English but often hard to pronounce for young learners. Use this video to practice it with Kinka!

今週の動画は「It’s a」のチャントです。この「It’s a」のフレーズはよく使いますが、子供たちにとって発音が難しいことが多いです。この動画でキンカと一緒に練習しましょう!

Classroom Tip

The It’s A Chant is used in almost every class. Let Kinka be teacher and have students dance with him.



At Home Tip

This chant can be used with Storytime 2, from last week. This chant will also get everyone ready for next week’s video. Check back then.



Please add your comments – What do you do? How did you find these tips? We’d love to see YOUR videos.

ご意見をお聞かせ下さい! どの様にこの動画を活用しましたか? ヒントは役に立ちましたか?あなたの動画を是非見てみたいです。

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See you soon! またね!

Happy Valley ハッピーバレー

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