Word of the Week: Hop

“The rabbit hopped across the grass.” A hop is a small jump. Rabbits don’t walk very much; they hop instead. Other things that are known for hopping include frogs and children! 「ウサギがぴょんぴょんと草の上を跳びはねました。」...

Picture of the Week: Pearl

Do you know how pearls are formed? Very rarely, they form inside an oyster or other mollusk, when a very small object gets inside its shell. The pearl builds up around the object....

Phrase of the Week: I Can’t Help It

“Stop shivering.” “I can’t help it. I’m cold!” We use this phrase when we have no choice. It’s impossible not to do something. Here are some more variations: “He couldn’t help but smile when his daughter showed him the picture she’d drawn.” “When I hear this song, I...