執筆者 Modern English | 2016年03月29日 | Words
“Don’t forget to breathe.” “It was really scary. I couldn’t breathe!” It can be easy to confuse the spelling of “breathe” and “breath” (a noun, as in “Take a deep breath”), because the letters “eath” make the same vowel sound as in “breathe” in words like “wreath”....
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年03月28日 | Pictures
A baby chicken is called a chick. Yesterday was Easter. Chicks are associated with Easter and spring because they hatch from eggs and symbolize new life....
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年03月26日 | Phrases
“Stay back! I have a knife!” “Stay back! There’s broken glass on the floor. Don’t come in here until I clean it up.” In movies, people often tell monsters or other scary creatures to “stay back!” This is an urgent...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年03月25日 | TOEIC
“I really admire her work and look up at her as a person.” Find the mistake. A. admire B. her work C. look up at D. as a person 「彼女の作品が大好きで人としても憧れています。」 誰かに憧れるとはその人が自分より上にいると考えられます。上を見上げてその人を見るようなイメージです。これは決まったフレーズですので、look up atではなくlook up...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年03月24日 | Trivia
Pots and pans are containers used for cooking and usually made of metal. The difference between a pot and a pan is that a pot generally has two handles, while a pan has one handle. Both are usually round or cylindrical in shape. Of course, there are exceptions. For...