Trivia of the Week: Underdog

“I’m rooting for the Tigers in this game. They’re the underdogs.” The underdog or underdogs are the side of a game that seems likely to lose. If the teams or players are evenly matched, there is no underdog. If it’s logical to expect that...

Idiom of the Week: Run a Tight Ship

“I don’t know why Mr. Smith was so mad. It was just a little mistake.” “Well, he runs a tight ship. He wants everything to be perfect for the customers.” A business or home is not a ship, but we can use ships as a metaphor for anything....

Word of the Week: Spine

Your spine is your backbone. It’s made of vertebrae. Animals that have backbones are called vertebrates. Animals without them are invertebrates. Metaphorically, having a spine allows you to stand up for yourself. “Don’t be spineless. Show those...

Phrase of the Week: Get Off Scot-Free

“Nobody saw him do it, so he got off scot-free.”   If you do something wrong but receive no punishment or consequences, we say you got off scot-free. The word “Scot” nowadays means a person from Scotland, but in this phrase it comes from...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Although implementing a solution will delay the project, we cannot ______ this problem.” Fill in the blank. A. ignore B. notice C. verify D. fix 「解決法を用いるのに時間がかかって遅れがでますが、この問題を___できません。」...