Trivia of the Week: The Dunning-Kruger Effect

Dunning and Kruger did experiments showing that people with a little skill at something have more confidence in their ability than people with more skill. This is because as you learn more about something, you become more aware of the ways in which you could be better...

Phrase of the Week: Get Along

 ”We can’t leave our two cats alone in the house together. They don’t get along.” “You need to learn to get along with the other children your age.” When two or more people or animals are friendly together and don’t fight, we...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“You can recognize this bird by its character pattern of colors.” Find the mistake. A. recognize B. by its C. character D. pattern 「この鳥は独特の色の模様で区別できます。」...

It’s a Blue Flower! Pair Colors with Nouns in Happy Valley. 青い花だ!ハッピーバレーで色と名詞のペアを作りましょう。

With this week’s video, we use the colors, objects and phrases we’ve been studying to make simple sentences. 今週の動画では今まで勉強してきた色、物、フレーズを使って簡単な文を作ります。 Classroom Tip This is an extension of the “It’s a” chant and builds upon the Unit 2 language...

Trivia of the Week: Corpse Flower

The titan arum plant is also called “corpse flower” because it smells like a dead animal that is rotting. It shares this quality with the Rafflesia, and they both grow in Sumatra, but they are different plants. This month many people gathered to see a...