執筆者 Modern English | 2015年05月29日 | TOEIC
“I’m sorry, but your insurance doesn’t ____ fire damage.” Fill in the blank. A. cover B. support C. apply D. pay 「申し訳ありませんがお客様の保険では火災損害は対象外です。」 Bのsupportでは保険が逆に火災のほうを支えているようにきこえるのでアウトです。Cは、前置詞のtoさえあれば使えますが、ここにはないので使えません。Dも同じく、pay...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年05月28日 | Trivia
Most American dogs don’t know how to “wait!” before they get their food, but a well-trained dog knows how to “stay!” even when her owner walks away. Other dog commands such as “sit”, “lie down” and...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年05月27日 | Idioms
“I’ve read the explanation for this homework problem eight times but I just can’t wrap my head around it. Can you explain it more clearly?” In order to understand something difficult or complicated, you must “wrap your head around...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年05月26日 | Words
“Come say hello to our guest. No? Sorry, he’s shy.” Someone who is shy is afraid or nervous to meet or interact with people they don’t know well. An introverted person is not necessarily shy, although the two words are sometimes used...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年05月25日 | Pictures
These lilies would make a beautiful decoration in your home, wouldn’t they? But you must be careful, because lilies are poisonous and can be dangerous for pets and children....