
毎日ほんとうに暑いですね。 こう暑い日が続くと、何をするにもダラダラしがち。。。 そんな毎日を英会話でシャキッとさせませんか?! この夏、モダンイングリッシュではブログ、Facebook, Twitterをご覧の皆様を対象にお得な夏のキャンペーンを行ってます。   ウェブレッスン 日本在住ネイティブ講師 4回レッスン(50分レッスン) 通常¥13,240 → 特別価格¥9,450 フィリピン在住講師 4回レッスン(25分レッスン) 通常¥2,800 → 特別価格¥1,600 TOEICオンラインレッスン...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

If you don’t have a pencil, please _______ one from a classmate. What goes in the blank? A. borrow B. lend C. rental D. give 鉛筆を持っていないならクラスメートから借りてください。 空欄に入るのはどれですか?...

Trivia of the Week: Get Back on the Horse

Popular wisdom is that when you fall off a horse, if you are not badly hurt, you should get back on and ride some more. This is so that you won’t develop a fear of riding horses. Falling off is scary, so if that is the last thing you remember about riding, you will be...

Idiom of the Week: They Made Short Work of That!

Aunt Mabel: I’ve brought a cake for the children. Mom: That’s wonderful, Aunt Mabel! Kids: (each taking a slice of cake) Thanks, Aunt Mabel! Aunt Mabel: Well, they certainly made short work of that! To make short work of something is to finish it quickly. In this...

Word of the Week: Float

Things can float in water, air, or outer space. Floating is like flying, but slower. A helium balloon floats in the air, but an airplane doesn’t; the airplane has to fly fast. People do not usually float in the air, but they can float in water. If something is in the...