TOEIC Practice Question #4

I take my lunch to school ____________ A.  always B.  never C.  ever D.  every day こ こは順番がヒントです。「always」と「every day」はほとんど同じ意味ですが、文の最後にくることができるのはDの「every day」だけです。「always」と「never」は動詞の前であれば使えます。たとえば、「I always bring my lunch to school.」 Do more TOEIC practice...

Trivia of the Week: Japanese English: No My Car Day

My car belongs to me. We don’t use the possessive pronoun ‘my’ in the third person or when speaking generally. ‘No my car day’ sounds like nonsense to native English speakers. To express this we would probably say something like, ‘No Car Day,’ just as there is an...

Modern English Idiom of the Week: I told a white lie.

“Why did you tell Jane her new haircut looks good? It’s horrible!” “It’s just a white lie.” Sometimes we tell harmless lies for a good reason. For example, we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. These lies are called “white lies.”...

Spring キャンペーン締め切り迫る!

4月28日までにご入会で一ヶ月のお月謝が無料になるスプリングキャンペーン。そろそろ締め切りです! 英会話を始めたいな~とお考えなら急いでくださいね!詳しくはお電話、またはHPからお問い合わせください。...

Word of the Week #4: behave (振る舞う)

“Children, stop behaving like a gang of monkeys!” 「子供たち、いたずらな猿のように振る舞うのはよしなさい!」 It is important to behave politely in formal situations. Adults usually know how to behave, but children sometimes behave badly when they are bored. At an important event, parents tell...