執筆者 Modern English | 2016年07月25日 | Pictures
Has a dragonfly ever landed on you? They are so light that you might not notice. To a human, a dragonfly is beautiful and harmless, but to a smaller insect it is as scary as dragon!...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年07月23日 | Phrases
“I’d like to stay up and watch the end of this movie. On the other hand, I do have a big test tomorrow. I should get plenty of sleep.” “On the one hand, I really like coffee. But on the other hand, I don’t want to drink caffeine so late at night.” You can compare the...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年07月22日 | TOEIC
“They are always finding new security flaws, so it’s important to check for updates _______, so you will be protected right away.” Fill in the blank. A. always B. constantly C. never D. occasionally 「いつも新しいセキュリティーの弱点が見つかっているから、すぐ守られるように更新がないか確認し続けるのが大事です。」...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年07月21日 | Trivia
Dolphins live in the ocean, but they are mammals. There are many kinds of dolphins, but the most well-known is the Bottlenose Dolphin. Dolphins use sound waves to “see” objects in the water. This is called echolocation. ...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年07月20日 | Idioms
“I opened the door, and in a flash the dog ran into the yard.” A “flash” is a short, bright light, like a camera flash. “In a flash” means “very quickly”. Think of it as happening in the same amount of time as a camera flash. 「扉を開けたとたん犬が庭に走り出した。」...