Idiom of the Week: Pulling the Strings

“She’s the president of the company but actually her husband is the one pulling the strings.”   Whoever is “pulling the strings” is in control, but hidden, like a puppeteer who controls a puppet using strings.   「彼女が社長だけど本当に糸を引いているのは夫なんだ。」  ...

Word of the Week: Gentle

“A gentle breeze was blowing.” “Pet the kitten gently.” To be gentle is to be very soft and not cause any damage, even to something delicate like a young kitten. 「優しい風が吹いていた。」 「子猫を優しくなでてね。」...

Phrase of the Week: I wouldn’t miss it for the world

“Are you coming to my birthday dinner?” “Of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” When an event is very important, usually because it’s a special occasion for a person we care about, we can express it with this phrase. It suggests we wouldn’t decide not to go to...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“I bought some pens and paper at the stationary store.” Find the mistake. A. bought some B. pens and paper C. at the D. stationary store 「文具店でペンと紙を買いました。」...