執筆者 Modern English | 2016年04月15日 | TOEIC
“I can’t take this class. I haven’t taken all the ______.” Fill in the blank. A. previous B. prerequisites C. parasites D. postrequisites 「この授業は受けられない。必要条件を満たしていない(必修の授業を受けていない)。」 この授業の前に受けないといけない授業なので「previous...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年04月15日 | Happy Valley, Kids, News
Animals are fun, and the more the better, so long as you don’t have to take care of them all! 動物って楽しい!たくさんいるともっと楽しいね。ただし自分で世話をしなくてもいいのなら・・・。 Classroom Tip During Happy Valley 1 Unit 10 Storytime, use this to introduce the main vocabulary and target language. After...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年04月14日 | Trivia
“Water is the smart phone’s kryptonite, so we made ours waterproof!” Kryptonite is not a real thing. It’s a fictional rock that is the only thing that can defeat Superman. Superman is so popular and well-known that kryptonite has become a metaphor for the weak...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年04月13日 | Idioms
“Wouldn’t it be better if we did it like this?” “Look, I’m in charge here, so it’s my way or the highway.” This phrase means that you have to do things my way, or else you can just leave (hit the highway). It’s not very polite or professional! Hopefully you...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年04月12日 | Words
“I enjoyed the first half of the book but then I just lost my momentum, so I haven’t finished it yet.” “He tried to stop but his momentum carried him into the intersection, and he almost caused an accident.” When an object is moving, it keeps going at the same speed...