執筆者 Modern English | 2015年12月03日 | Trivia
The iconic chef’s hat is called a toque, or toque blanche, which is French for “white hat”. The modern toque dates back to mid-19th century France. Sometimes the height of the hat shows where the chef ranks in the kitchen. The many folds in the toque...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年12月02日 | Idioms
“We have three dogs, and they have a hierarchy. There’s no trouble so long as the younger dogs know their place.” “Now that I have a job I love and a house of my own I feel like I’ve found my place in the world.” Your...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年12月01日 | Words
“Welcome to Sandy’s Sandwiches. I’ll be your server today.” “This food is awful! I can’t believe you serve this garbage.” A waiter or waitress can be called a server, because they bring food to the customers. You might also...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年11月30日 | Pictures
The sweetgum tree has star-shaped leaves that turn yellow, purple and red in autumn. You can also see the seed pods in this picture. Varieties of sweetgum (or liquidambar) can be found in North America, Turkey, Greece, China, Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, Laos and Vietnam....
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年11月28日 | Phrases
“The first time I heard this song, I thought it was annoying, but my kids kept playing it and it grew on me.” If something grows on you, you don’t like it at first, but over time you start to like it more. This can be true of many things—a movie you...