執筆者 Modern English | 2014年11月15日 | Phrases
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!” This is an abrupt way to tell someone to leave. The sarcastic advice only applies if the person is leaving, so even if they wanted to stay, you are already speaking as if they are leaving. You can also say this if someone...
執筆者 Modern English | 2014年11月14日 | TOEIC
“Choose your desirable date from the pull-down menu and click ‘Next’.” Find the mistake. A. Choose B. desirable C. date D. pull-down 「メニューから希望する日付を選んで『次へ』をクリックしてください」 Desirable は desire (欲しがる)に able...
執筆者 Modern English | 2014年11月13日 | Trivia
A Pegasus is a horse with wings. The original Pegasus was a creature in Greek mythology. His father was Poseidon, the god of the sea. His mother was Medusa, a monstrous woman with snakes for hair. He helped a hero named Bellerophon to defeat a monster called the...
執筆者 Modern English | 2014年11月12日 | Idioms
“Isn’t that his third beer tonight?” “Yeah, he drinks like a fish. Maybe someone should run to the store for more beer.” “Drink” can be used with any kind of drink—water, fruit juice, soda, etc. But if it’s not clear exactly what is being drunk, it often means...
執筆者 Modern English | 2014年11月11日 | Words
“This knife has a jagged edge.” “The window was broken, leaving jagged shards of glass.” “Jagged” means not straight. It’s a little like zig-zag, but it may be even or uneven. 「このナイフはギザギザしている」 「窓が割れてギザギザしたガラスの破片を残していた」 Jagged...