執筆者 Modern English | 2014年05月31日 | Phrases
“Sorry I lost the book you lent me.” “Don’t worry; it’s not a big deal.” A big deal is something very important or meaningful. When we use this phrase, we usually say things are not a big deal. For example, when someone apologizes for a small mistake, we say it’s not...
執筆者 Modern English | 2014年05月30日 | TOEIC
“Only successful _____ will be contacted.” Fill in the blank. A. applications B. application C. applicants D. applicant 「採用決定者のみにご連絡いたします」 就職活動でよく見る文章です。連絡が来ないということは不採用という意味です。「Be...
執筆者 Modern English | 2014年05月29日 | Trivia
Have you noticed that if you take a long bath, the skin on your fingers and toes gets wrinkly? English speakers call this “pruney fingers”, because the wrinkled skin looks like the skin of a prune (a sweet dried plum). Scientists say this doesn’t happen because our...
執筆者 Modern English | 2014年05月27日 | Words
“The car ran out of gas, and it started raining. What else can go wrong?” “Okay, that’s one sandwich and one coffee. Do you want anything else?” “I’m tired of ice cream. Let’s get something else.” “Else” means “other than that” or “in addition to that.” It is useful...
執筆者 Modern English | 2014年05月26日 | Pictures
This twilit fountain is in Boca Raton, Florida. “Boca Raton” means “mouse mouth” in Spanish. Are there any cities near you with strange names?...