TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

His _______ at the meeting was so poor that he lost his opportunity for promotion. A. conduct B. behave C. actions D. conductor ミーティングでの彼の態度はあまりに悪くて、出世するチャンスを失くしました。 Bの「behave」は動詞なのでアウトです。Cの「actions」は、意味は近いですが、複数形なので「was」と一緒に使えません。Dの「conductor」は実は電車などの運転手です。残るAが正解です。...

Trivia of the Week: Foster Care

A foster family provides care for a child or pet that has no place to go. It could be a pet that was abandoned or born homeless, or a child who has lost his parents or whose parents could not take care of him. If the new home becomes permanent, then the child or pet...

Idiom of the Week: Like Watching Paint Dry

“Ugh! I thought that movie would never end. It was so boring!” “Yeah! Like watching paint dry!” Watching paint dry would be very boring, because it takes a long time, and the difference between wet paint and dry paint is not very interesting or easy to see. It is a...

Word of the Week: Braid

To make a braid, you need three long things. Usually these are bundles of hair, but other things can be braided too: from ribbons to bread dough. A braid is a simple hairstyle that keeps long hair out of the way and looks pretty, too....