執筆者 Modern English | 2013年05月14日 | Words
Aunt: I guess you’re too young to know the Beatles. Niece: Actually, I love the Beatles! “Actually” has a similar meaning to “really” or “in truth”. We often use it to introduce an unexpected fact. It can help correct a wrong assumption. “I don’t suppose you know this...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年05月13日 | Pictures
Wildflowers are flowers that grow on their own. Nobody plants them or waters them. They are wild. 野花は勝手に咲く花です。誰が植えたわけでもなく、誰も水をやりません。野生の花です。
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年05月11日 | Phrases
“In my opinion, this is the worst movie ever.” “Well, I loved it.” An opinion is what one person thinks. Another person can have a different opinion, and neither one is wrong. A fact is right even if someone doesn’t believe it, but everyone gets to decide their own...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年05月10日 | TOEIC
Please fill out the form accuracy so we can process it quickly. Where is the mistake? A. fill out B. accuracy C. so we can D. process 「早く処理できるように、正確に用紙に記入してください。」 Aの「fill out」は「fill in」の方が正しいのではないのでしょうか?実はどちらでもいいのです。Bの「accuracy」は「正確さ」という名詞ですが、ここは(fill...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年05月09日 | Trivia
If you find a penny on the ground, it is not worth much money, but it can bring you good luck! A penny has two sides: heads (a picture of President Lincoln) and tails (a picture of the Lincoln Memorial). Some people believe that if the tails side is facing up, you...