執筆者 Modern English | 2013年03月25日 | Pictures
When children wake up on Easter Sunday, they might find the Easter Bunny has left them a basket. Like Santa Claus at Christmas, the Easter Bunny visits while the children are asleep and leaves presents. The basket is decorated with plastic grass and filled with candy,...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年03月23日 | Phrases
Fred: I can’t believe the butler did it! What about the maid’s missing alibi? George: That was just a red herring. A red herring is something that seems important, but is actually just there to distract you from what is really important. It is common in mystery...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年03月22日 | TOEIC
Because of the problem with your flight, we refund the price of your ticket. Where is the mistake? A. Because of B. with your flight C. we refund D. price of your 「飛行機に問題がございましたので、チケット代を返金させていただきます。」 どこが間違いでしょうか? 通常の「ポリシー」や「もしも問題があった場合」の話ではありません。そうならば、「If there is a...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年03月21日 | Trivia
A coffee table is a long low table. A coffee table book is a large, hardcover book with lots of nice color pictures. You leave it on your coffee table. When you have guests, they can look at the book while they are waiting, or talk about the book as an icebreaker....
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年03月19日 | News
香里園校のキッズのレッスンビデオ、保護者様のご意見等をウェブサイトで公開中です! 楽しそうな子供たちのレッスン風景を是非ご覧ください! こちらからビデオをご覧ください。