Phrase of the Week: I’ll believe it when I see it

Lisa: I can do a triple cartwheel! Norman: I’ll believe that when I see it. This is a phrase we use to express disbelief. I don’t believe what you’re saying, but if I see it with my own two eyes, then I will believe it. リサ:私、三連続で側転できるの! ノーマン:見なきゃ信じられないよ。...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

The attaching document contains our figures for this month. Where is the mistake? A. attaching B. contains C. our figures D. this month 今月の金額が明記されたドキュメントを添付します。 ファイルを添付するときは「I am attaching the file」や「I have attached the...

Idiom of the Week: Hold Your Horses

Son: Hurry up, Mom, let’s go! Mother: Hold your horses, I have to change clothes before we go see Grandma. “Hold your horses” means “wait a minute” or “slow down”. Before everyone had cars, people used horses to go places or carry things. Maybe we still say “hold your...

Word of the Week: Hiss

“Come on, Whiskers, you have to take this pill. Don’t hiss at me! Ouch!” A hiss is the sound of air escaping. Snakes hiss. Cats hiss when they are angry or afraid. A gas leak might also make a hissing sound. People are said to hiss when they whisper angrily....