TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

We enjoyed the movie ______ we missed the first ten minutes. A. because B. even though C. however D. unless 「最初の10分は見逃した__映画を楽しみました。」 10分間見逃したのに、それでも楽しみました。BもCもここで使えそうですが、Cの「however」を使った場合、順番を変えないと意味が逆になります。それに文章としては二つに分けたほうが正しいです。(We enjoyed the movie. However, we...

Trivia of the Week: Japanese English: Revenge

In Japanese, sometimes the word “revenge” is used to mean a second attempt after a failure. If a class does a poor job on an assignment at school, the teacher might say the next similar assignment is “revenge”, or a chance to make up for the...

Idiom of the Week: A Piece of Cake

Boss: Jenkins, I can’t believe you fixed the company website so fast! Jenkins: It was a piece of cake! If something is very easy to do, we say it is a piece of cake. Of course, some things are easy for some people and not for others. We usually say something is a...

Word of the Week: Nosey

“So I heard you and Jane had a big fight at the party last week. What happened?” “Oh, don’t be so nosey. I know you just want to gossip with your friends about our problems.” Someone who is nosey takes too much interest in other people’s affairs. Such people are...

Picture of the Week: Grain Elevator

A Vanishing Symbol of the Prairies of Canada This is a grain elevator. For many years farmers brought their grain, usually wheat, to the grain elevator after the harvest. From grain elevators across the prairies freight trains would collect the grain and carry it to...