Modern English Idiom of the Week: Chill out!

“I’m so worried about the new project!” “Just chill out and don’t worry about it!” In a casual setting, we say “chill out” to mean “relax.” It is often used as a command. 「新しいプロジェクトがとても心配だ!」「リラックスしなよ、心配は要らない。」 カジュアルな場面では「リラックスする」という意味で「chill...

Word of the Week #5: fault (過失の責任、所為)

“Whose fault was the accident?” “It was his fault!” 「事故は誰のせいだった?」「彼のせいだ!」 We use this word to lay blame on someone (or maybe something) that caused something bad to happen. It is important not to blame everything on others, but also not to blame yourself for...