Picture of the Week: Pansies

Pansies come in white, yellow, purple and blue. The names “pansy”, “viola” and “violet” are often used for the same flowers—even though they might not be purple!...

Phrase of the Week: Cut up about it

“Her mother was away on business for her birthday? Is she okay?” “She’s still pretty cut up about it.” If someone is “cut up about” something, they are hurt emotionally. This phrase often describes how someone feels in the days or weeks after something very sad...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Outside food is ______ in the theme park.” Fill in the blank. A. allow B. disallow C. prohibited D. prescribed 「テーマパークの中では食べ物の持込が禁じられています。」...

Cat, dog, elephant! Let the Phonanimals teach you their sounds! ねこ、いぬ、ぞう!フォナニマルと一緒に英語の音を覚えましょう!

Classroom Tip This song from Happy Valley Phonics Book 1, Unit 2, introduces vocabulary that begin with the c, d, and e sounds. Use gestures for the words and do them as you sing along. Put the flashcards on the ground and ask the students, What does Cally want? Have...

Trivia of the Week: Seahorses

Seahorses live in the sea, but they are not horses. They are actually fish. The shape of their heads looks a little horse-like. As fish, they lay eggs, but interestingly, the eggs hatch inside a pouch on the father seahorse, who then “gives birth”.  ...