執筆者 Modern English | 2016年10月07日 | TOEIC
“Be sure to pick up a copy of my book when it releases next month!” Find the mistake. A. Be sure B. pick up C. when it D. releases 「来月本が出版されたら間違いなく買ってね!」 Aの「Be...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年10月06日 | Trivia
Even numbers are divisible by two. They can be divided by two without anything left over, or divided “evenly”. Odd numbers are not strange, but can’t be divided evenly by two. Zero also counts as even! Non-integers like 1/3 or 0.5 are neither odd nor even. ...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年10月05日 | Idioms
“That was a close call! I almost hit that cyclist.” “A close call” is an accident, injury, or other bad thing that almost happens but is just barely avoided. It could be very serious: you almost died, but survived through luck. It could be a small thing: you...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年10月04日 | Words
“I made a mistake on this form. Can I have another copy?” “There must be some mistake. I don’t have a reservation under that name.” “Mistake” is most often used as a noun. You can make a mistake. You can find or notice a mistake someone else made. You can catch a...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年10月03日 | Pictures
Halloween season has started. The holiday isn’t until the last day of October, but the decorations are already up! This black cat is perfect for Halloween. The orange eyes match the color of the jack-o-lanterns. ...