TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“The information is correct, but the presentation is not very exciting. Please ______ the text and email it to me by Friday.” Fill in the blank. A. revise B. review C. write D. undo 「情報は正しいのですがプレゼンテーションの仕方が面白くないです。書き直して金曜日までにメールで送ってください。」...

Trivia of the Week: Purring

Purring is a rumbling sound made by happy cats. However, other animals make sounds also called “purring”, including raccoons, squirrels, bears and elephants. We don’t know exactly how cats purr. Some bigger cats cannot purr—they can roar, instead. Cats don’t only purr...

Idiom of the Week: Get the Hang of It

“It’s tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s easy.” Getting the hang of something is suddenly being able to do something that was difficult before. It’s like an insight that you get from a certain amount of experience, but it usually can’t be explained...

Phrase of the Week: Out of the Way

“Get out of the way!” If you’re riding your bicycle and suddenly realize you’re going to hit someone, and don’t have time to stop, you should yell, “Get out of the way!” In this situation, “the way” is the path of something moving. It will sound rude if you tell...